Audi sales dipped by 28.6%
Published On Feb 07, 2009 07:06 PM By Anonymous
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Luxury car manufacturerAudi january sales dipped by more than 28.6%. Audi sold around 56,200 cars in January this year compare to the 78697 units for same period of last year. Main reason of decling sales is recession in global market. People not purchasing luxury vehicles due to models high prises and high mantinance cost.
Sales of Audi dipped more then 26.4% which is 4722 units in USA.The decline in asia-pacific reigon is 22% compare to the same period of last year. Company sold 10,400 unit in Asia-pacific reigon this year compare to the 13,314 units last year.
But all is not bad for Audi companies sales growing in some areas also. Group's marcket share increased to 7.8% from 6.7% percent last year in Germany. Company's sales also increased in Australia by more then 5.5%.